Monday, January 9, 2012

reliving my childhood

hard to believe it is already the second week of january.  i had hoped to post this sooner but my life got in the way!  when i was growing up, we would go to my uncles on christmas day every year.  all of the family would gather for an informal dinner followed by dessert and then presents.  the best part of that celebration were the cookies that my aunt and uncle would make for us.  one of my favorites was always the wheat cookies.  a rolled sugar cookie with whole wheat flour, they were very simply decorated with just a piece of glaceed cherry.  so simple yet so memorable.  this year, i made a batch with my younger daughter-i rolled and cut, she applied the cherries.

 the original recipe, my mother says it is in my uncle's handwriting and that she added the note not to use butter.  heed the warning-i tried and it ended up in the trash!  i would also recommend leaving out 1-2 tablespoons of each of the flours and adding them only if needed.  mine didn't need them and rolled out nicely.

apply the cherries before baking and they will be attached to the cookies, just be sure to blot them if they are wet with syrup or it will leave dark brown splotches on the top of the cookie.

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